Students explore countries’ celebrations of Christmas

Third-graders display posters they made about Christmas in various countries.

Each year the Seton third-grade students begin work on a special research project called Christmas Around the World. Each student selects a country to study. 

Research begins the week of Thanksgiving and continues through the final days prior to Christmas break.  Students do the research portion in the classroom and the posters at home.  Students study such things as when and how the Christmas season begins, special decorations, customs and traditions, how Christmas Eve and Day are celebrated, what foods are eaten, and how the Christmas season ends.

Students prepare a written report, food and poster. Prior to Christmas break, students make presentations to their classmates, parents and grandparents. Children serve a food that is from the country of their choice and display an artifact that is typical to that country.

Artifacts have included Christmas Crackers from England, chocolate eggs with gifts inside from Germany, piñatas from Mexico, star lamps from the Philippines and nativity scenes from France.


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