Seton’s Home and School Organization takes its mission of supporting the work of the school seriously. For many years this organization has assisted the Seton school board, teaching staff, and families and students in a variety of ways.
As with many organizations, the numbers at the monthly meetings are low, but the participation in events is much higher. Much of this involvement is due to the creation of the Three for Me Committee. The committee was introduced to Seton as a way to encourage all parents to participate in three activities throughout the course of the year. The committee sends a survey describing each of the activities and opportunities for parents to participate in throughout the year. Parents sign up for three activities that they are interested in and return their survey to the school with registration packets.
Upon receiving these surveys, the Three for Me Committee organizes them and creates magnets for each family to place on the family’s refrigerator as a reminder of their commitment. A chairperson for each event then notifies the parents of planning meetings prior to the event and then carries out the work of the committee.
These steps have created much more shared responsibility and resulted in greater participation by all families in school life.
The Seton Home and School Organization has been instrumental in supporting the work of the school in numerous ways. Some of the financial ways include the following: this fall it provided funding for the A-Z Reading program that supports Seton’s academic reading goal; the group provided funding for grounds improvement, the playground, science kits to support Seton’s academic science goal, and for increased safety measures in the form of locks and intercom system improvements.