Priest Profiles: Fr. Troy Richmond

Fr. Richmond

Name: Fr. Troy Richmond

Age: 35

Years ordained: Six

Current assignment: Pastor, Holy Family Parish, Fort Madison


How did you know you were being called to priesthood?

I first considered the priesthood after attending a TEC retreat in 1992.  After several years at Iowa State, I began to consider again the call to the priesthood. Through involvement with a priesthood discernment group and a very intense period of prayer during my final months in college, I began to feel the calling even stronger.  When I shared with friends and family my desire to enter the seminary, most said they could see using my gifts as a priest. 

Aside from your ordination Mass, what was your most memorable Mass?

A year ago, I accompanied the Holy Trinity and Notre Dame school choirs on a trip to Rome.  During our time in Assisi, we celebrated Mass at the tomb of St. Francis. It was an extremely powerful Mass. The presence of the Holy Spirit was felt by everyone and many were moved to tears.  Many who went on the trip say the Mass at Assisi was the highlight of the tour. 

What is most rewarding about being a priest?

The greatest privilege I have as a priest is celebrating the Mass. The most rewarding part of my priesthood is the opportunity to enter into the joys and sufferings of people’s lives. It also brings me great joy to accompany those who have fallen away from their Catholic faith back into the church. Finally, I love the opportunity to preach and to bring the Word of God alive into people’s lives.   

What is most challenging about being a priest?

Finding time for everything: prayer, ministry, administration, exercise and rest.  And, not letting the administrative tasks take away from what is truly most important: spiritual leadership and sacramental presence. 

What is your favorite Scripture passage?

Luke 5:1-11: The calling of St. Peter.

What is your hobby?

I enjoy golfing, walking and most outdoor activities in the warmer months. I also enjoy reading, cooking, and every now and then playing my trumpet. 

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