Preparing for the birth of Christ through Advent


By Sarah Moser

The Christmas season means something different to everyone. However, as Catholics we all recognize that the Advent season prepares us for Christmas Day, the day our Savior Jesus Christ was born.

As Catholics we should not just “go” to church this giving season. We should try to put our faith into action and BE the church, by giving to those less fortunate, making a meal for those in need, or putting our extra change in the Salvation Army bucket. We should be giving of ourselves in this giving season. We are Catholics, but we need to live as Catholics by doing the right thing and helping everyone. I challenge you to make it a tradition to help people in need year after year; you can start this year and keep it going!

For many of you it may be a tradition to go to Christmas Eve Mass and afterwards go home, have a meal, maybe drink some hot coca and possibly open presents. Or maybe some of you go to Mass on Christmas Day and have events afterwards. We are so blessed that the Catholic Church offers Mass on both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. We should be appreciative that our religion sees the importance of Mass. Catholicism teaches us that Mass is important all year round, not just during the holidays. 

At Christmas Eve Mass in my parish a few high school students go in front of the congregation after holy Communion and perform some sort of reflection for everyone to think about before heading back into the rush of the holiday season. In previous years it has consisted of performing American Sign Language to a song that relates to this time of year. This is a wonderful tradition my parish started with the youth; hopefully this tradition will be carried on for many years.


When students go on break from school and parents have time off from their jobs, it must mean one thing — it’s time for Christmas break or “winter break” as we call it in my public school. This is a time for the whole family to be together and become closer. We should not be pestering each other about what present they got us, but rather we should be happy for the gift of their presence. Cherish your family and family time this Christmas season.

One last thought, a few weeks ago I was given a bracelet that stated “Jesus is the CENTER of the Season.”  The gifts, lights, and the hustle and bustle in the mall are not the center of the season. Jesus is. 

(Sarah Moser is a senior at Clear Creek Amana High School and a member of St. Mary Parish in Oxford and DYMC.)

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