Our local Pax Christi USA chapter, activated in the Quad-Cities by Ollie and Bert Finn in 2004, has been among the approximately 150 discussion groups that responded to the call for defining what peace and nonviolence mean at the grassroots level.
This call came from the national Pax Christi USA group, in response to an invitation of the American bishops in 2003 to better live out the beatitude: “Blessed are the Peacemakers.”
Using the directives of the national group, entitled the “People’s Peace Initiative: Called to Something New,” local members over the past six months discussed the difference between the peace Jesus offered at the Last Supper and the peace that the world gives. This required a deep look at our own experiences in living and becoming peace on a daily basis and the challenges it entails not only in our personal life, but in our families, neighborhoods, communities, parishes, nations and the whole world.
Our discussions concluded by sending a report to the National Office of Pax Christi USA. The report centered on one main question requested for all groups to answer: “What is essential for the Church to understand and cultivate peace in the twenty-first century?” Our local group made five recommendations.
Our local group is eager to share this report. If anyone wishes to receive a copy or eventually join a peace-sharing group, please call Roberta Moran (facilitator) at (563) 359-0867 or mail your request to 510 Grant St., Bettendorf, Ia., 52722. To read the national report got to www.paxchristiusa.org and click on “The People’s Initiative: Called to Something New.”
Roberta Moran