“Who done it?” That is the proverbial question a group of middle-school Lourdes students debated Nov. 14 at the 2009 mock trial competition when the case of the State of Iowa verses Abraham Pulley went to trial at the Scott County Courthouse.
During their lunch hours twice a week since the beginning of September, 16 students have prepared for the 2009 mock trial.
With the dedicated assistance of Paul Bieber and Cam Davidson, the following students are prepared to go to trial: Peter Molyneaux, Sean Lansing, Emma Behymer, Sarah Bartlett, Joseph Rapp, Gillian Straub, Jacob Phillips, Anna Davlin, Jack Polaschek, David Harb, Sydnie Gengler, Ellie Bieber, Tricia Walsh, Andrew Guhin, Jimmy Huiskamp, Laura Blaser and Rachael Moore.
Lourdes applauds their outstanding efforts!