Intellectual understanding alone makes for soulless faith


Recent published remarks that once the abstract theology of the Eucharist was established it would be backwards to have adoration, smacks of a thread offered to Catholic readers — that abstract educational degrees automatically makes one’s position superior to that of others.

The same thing was given as the final word to readers, during the (Professor Keith) Soko/EWTN debate. Scripture, the catechism and thousands of saints assure us we have various spiritual gifts such as knowledge and perhaps wisdom that, along with faith, give us spiritual insight into certain areas. So does sanctifying and actual grace.

Recall Ss. Therese and Catherine of Siena had few such credentials, and are doctors of the church. The apostles were regarded by the Pharisees as stupid, unlearned men who were left to witness to the truth. Their love, intuitive intellect (that is real; see Dr. Conrad Baars); and the Holy Spirit caused the growth of the Catholic Church. 

That, plus degrees, would be ideal. But intellectual understanding alone, unchecked, belies a kind of headiness that, in recent true examples, nixes devotion of the heart, once the abstract idea is understood — such as no adoration once the reality of the presence of Christ is understood. What a soulless, machine-like faith! We need to be careful of the false god of abstract education, as opposed to true educated faith. Maybe the new columnists’ line-up on the Opinions Page will help.


Leslye Killian


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