I was shocked reading Father Richard McBrien’s column about eucharistic adoration, stating the Mass is all we need and that eucharistic adoration is a spiritual step backwards.
The scourging continues! The Mass is the most powerful prayer; why stop there when God has so much more to offer us?
Praying in front of the tabernacle or at eucharistic adoration is also being in the presence of Jesus. There we can receive peace, comfort and healing. I have been to many healing services; the first and foremost is the Mass. After the Mass Jesus is always placed on the altar in the monstrance.
All of the power comes from Jesus who is God. When approaching a priest to be prayed over, have you ever felt your heart pounding because you are moving closer to Jesus? Or when the priest extends his hands to pray over you, you can actually feel the power coming from the hands of Jesus? Have you ever experienced resting in the Spirit? If people only know the peace, comfort and healing God has for us, this world would be a better place.
If you want to transform your life, go to a church or chapel every day and visit Jesus.
Read books about God and the lives of saints. Listen to Relevant Radio or watch EWTN on television instead of useless programs that promote sinful behavior.
Take confession seriously and go at least once a month. We need to clean our soul before Jesus arrives in the Eucharist. Go to church wearing clothing that shows respect and reverence for Jesus. These things will show we love and respect God. The more we seek God the more God will reveal himself to us in ways we could not imagine.
Gail Devereaux