Exploring health care professions

A student poses with a puppet used during a presentation on health care careers.

First- and second-graders at Keokuk Catholic Schools enjoyed “The Great Hospital Adventure” program that was presented by the Area Health Education Center in Davenport.

What a surprise to learn that an alumna from the school, Julie Varner, was one of the presenters. She gave a big hug to her kindergarten teacher, Kate Duffie, as she headed toward the second-grade room.

The students became excited immediately when Varner began the program with the mom and dad puppets introducing themselves to the students. A video was then shown that told the story of the parents’ little boy, Josh, who broke his leg and was taken to the hospital in an ambulance with an emergency medical technician. On the hospital adventure Josh continued to be helped by people in the medical profession. He met a male nurse, an X-ray technician, Dr. Snow, the emergency room doctor, a physical therapist and an occupational therapist.

The real fun began when each profession was introduced in person as a puppet.  The children were quizzed on what each specific person did as part of the medical profession. Students then volunteered to become a puppeteer and tell the other students about their profession. The room was full of giggles and laughter from students too shy to volunteer. 


The presenters and puppets said goodbye, but not before they handed out gifts to the students. It was definitely a worthwhile presentation that will be remembered.

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