Community helps make school ‘wonderful’

Molly Schebler

By Molly Schebler

As student council president of All Saints Catholic School it is my honor to tell you how wonderful my school is. First of all, I will start with the teachers.

They all want the best for us so that we can go far in life and succeed. What amazes me is how much time and effort they put into their busy work schedules just so that we can get a good education. They are always there when you need extra help or you don’t understand something. I honestly believe that we have the best teachers in the Quad Cities because of how much they teach us and prepare us for the next steps in our lives so that we are ready for anything that comes our way.

Next, the staffers. They are a blessing to our school because without them our school would not run smoothly. Each year to show our appreciation, we give the school administrators a free lunch, and some gifts to show how much we care for them and all that they do. We also make posters around the school saying thank you to all the organizations and people who help make All Saints a better place.

And last, but not least, the students. Without us there would be no need for any of these great people who put so much time and effort in all the things they do. We, the students, take great pride in going to All Saints Catholic School because it is not just a school, it is our school. When it comes to pep rallies, sporting events or any other events our school participates in, everyone shows so much school spirit; it is incredible!


Our school also participates in many fundraisers to help pay for various causes. Some of the many fundraisers we do are Market Day, wreath sale, Yankee Candle sale and gala. All these fundraisers are organized by parents who want to make the experiences of their children and others at All Saints better. To encourage students to sell more, we have contests to see who can raise the most money or items, and then that person receives either money or a N.U.T. card (no uniform today.)

These are all the fundraisers we are doing that are benefiting us, but some of our projects are helping others. Some projects that are going on right now are “Shoes for the Shoeless,” sponsored by the fourth grade. People bring in shoes that don’t fit them anymore and put them in boxes for the fourth grade to collect. We also have a gigantic trailer on the side of the school. We are trying to fill up the whole thing with recycled paper which will later be used as insulation for houses.

My parents certainly made the right decision in sending me to All Saints Catholic School! All Saints is an excellent school and I think that everyone who goes to this school would agree.

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