If we work together we will have full employment and cover all Americans.
Our health care is 37th in the world. We spend 16 percent of our GDP, about $2.3 trillion a year, while France at number one spends 10 percent. By doing what they do, our cost would be $1.5 trillion; this would give us $800 billion a year.
If we split $560 billion into seven $80 billion programs we could:
1) Hire 500,000 new police officers
2) Rebuild our state mental hospitals
3) Pay half of 500,000 primary care doctors’ medical school expenses
4) Fund 20 million summer jobs for our youths
5) Give $80 billion to families whose homes are being foreclosed. We should use local banks and credit unions; they would lend and won’t give themselves million dollar bonuses
6) Offer rebates for American-made cars. We could have Michigan on top of the world again. We could have orders of, let’s say, 20 million new, American-built cars. Next year, what about a major appliances rebate program?
7) Pay 1 million nurses for our elementary schools.
Last, but not least, offer $240 billion for venture capital to start manufacturing everything from toothpaste to clothes to major appliances. Then we will go to our retailers and say to them, “We want you to find American products so we can choose to buy them from sea to shining sea.”
Do these things and we will have jobs that will allow Americans enough income to live the American dream again. Americans will be covered with good health care. We shouldn’t allow anyone to tell us we can’t afford this. Tell our congressmen and women to get back to their jobs and work for all Americans because we want it now.
Robert Davis