NEWTON — A two-day leadership formation workshop, “Ministry With Families 101,” will take place Oct. 8-9 at Sacred Heart Parish, McCann Center.
The event is sponsored by the four Iowa dioceses and designed for pastoral staffers, clergy, religious educators, RCIA leaders, parish volunteers, counselors, youth ministers and young adult ministers, teachers, family ministers, bereavement ministers, marriage preparation and enrichment leaders, parent educators, and leaders in ministry for the divorced and separated.
The workshop will take place from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 8, and 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 9. Registration fee is $80 per person and includes training, lunch, Thursday dinner and snacks. Training materials are $45. Sign-up deadline is Sept. 25.
Overnight lodging is available at AmericInn in Newton for a reduced group conference rate of $79 plus tax. Call AmericInn at (641) 791-1160 by Sept. 24 and mention the Ministry With Families Iowa conference.
Sacred Heart Parish, McCann Center, is located at 1115 S. Eighth Ave. E. in Newton. Training location and lodging are handicapped accessible. Participants will receive a certificate upon completion from the National Association of Catholic Family Life Ministers.
For more information, call IlaMae Hanisch at (641) 791-3435 or
Make checks for $125 payable to Diocese of Davenport. To register, send your name, address, e-mail, phone number and parish to Diocese of Davenport, attn. IlaMae Hanisch, MPS; 2706 N. Gaines St., Davenport, IA 52804.