Education doesn’t equal spiritual strength


“Eucharistic adoration, perpetual or not, is a doctrinal, theological and spiritual step backward, not forward.” These 15 words are quoted from a recent Father Richard McBrien article, and they struck through my heart like a knife.

Of course everything we need is in the Mass, but many Catholics would like to extend their prayers and devotion beyond one hour a week we reserve for the liturgy.

I ponder how insulting Fr. McBrien’s comments are to all religious who in the convent and monastery are participating in eucharistic adoration. When Jesus said it’s more difficult for the rich to pass through a needle’s eye than a camel, perhaps he could have included the highly educated in the group as well. When I picture the simple Bethlehem shepherds who were the first to be invited to meet Jesus, I picture today all those adoring Jesus lying not in the manger, but the monstrance. I see us as a group of shepherds leaving our flocks/homes to reside a while with our Lord.

Our culture admires the intellectual with many letters following his name; however, in the end, the only letters which may impress our Lord are C.O.G. (Child of God). I’m not criticizing all the college professors; I’ve known many who have influenced my life, but to the Fr. McBriens in the church, you will have to run many spiritual steps to catch up with the rest of us.  


Sharon Hermie


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