Name: Stephanie Seward
Age: 17
Family: Two brothers, Nick and Tony
School: Just graduated from Bettendorf High School.
Parish: St. John Vianney, Bettendorf
What parish activities are you involved in? Cantor, lector, eucharistic minister, helping out with kids’ choir.
What volunteer activities do you participate in outside of church? Nothing specific. I’m involved with school.
Why is your Catholic faith important to you? Because I find support in others who share the same beliefs as I do. When I had troubles with a friend, I found support at my church, particularly in the youth group.
How do you practice your faith in everyday life? By having God in my life and practicing my faith by doing good deeds. So many people out there seem cold and disconnected, therefore I try to lift their spirits and brighten their day whenever I get the chance.
What do you like best about being Catholic? Being part of such a vast group of people and having a connection with those people. They support me in times of need and are there for me whenever I need advice or help with anything.
What is the most challenging about being Catholic? Having to deal with criticism of the Catholic faith by others. Because there are so many Catholics, people often label us as unimportant. I feel like I constantly have to prove my dedication to the faith.