We can’t solve problems by destroying human life


Last year the Iowa Legislature gave $750,000 of our tax money for family planning. Planned Parenthood expects to give away 1,400 implantable birth control devices in the next year, according to an article in the Des Moines Register (3-28-09).

The Intrauterine devices, or IUDs, and Implanon (a hormone-releasing device that is put into the upper arm) cause early abortions; they also devalue women by allowing for their easy exploitation by sexual predators.

The devices will make healthy women infertile (unhealthy). Planned Parenthood calls this “HEALTH CARE?”

Unmarried women should not be engaged in sinful sexual relationships and our government should not be promoting promiscuity.


Married women should trust God for the number of children that they have. We do not know who we are excluding. God can plan our families better than we, and certainly better than Planned Parenthood.

Read Deuteronomy 30:19: “I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life that both you and your descendants may live.”

We cannot solve human problems by stomping out human life. A baby is God’s opinion that the life should go on.

Donna Holman

Stopp of Iowa (Stop Planned Parenthood)


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