The fifth- and sixth-graders held their seventh annual science fair on Thursday, Feb. 19. Students work individually or in partners researching projects of interest to them. The day of the fair, the students present their projects to the student body. The science fair is open to the public in the evening.
Emma Stout and McKenna Brinning taught how fast germs can spread! Sarah Greiner presented a sophisticated study on diesel fuel additives and how beneficial they are to keeping a diesel engine clean! To keep the study “blind,” Sarah chose not to label company names on her test tubes.
Other projects included mixtures and solutions, a catapult, a personal-computer anatomy, float and sink physics, rock candy solutions, an exploration of velocity and speed with gravity, a play dough concoction, a comparative study of molds, lava lamps, static electricity, a simple barometer and a snake hibernaculum (rat snake and all!)
Jean Macenski, science teacher, sponsored the fair.