Regina Elementary is following the guidelines of a national program called Character Counts, which incorporates the pillars of trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship. Regina has added a seventh pillar of faith. Teachers, along with aides, custodians, secretaries and the kitchen staff, are all being trained in the program and helping to highlight the character traits.
Miss Iowa, Olivia Myers, spoke to Regina Elementary students about the pillars of the character education program. The Character Counts program is her Miss Iowa platform.
Along with showing the students a few basic tap dance steps, she spoke on how she used each trait and how she incorporated each trait into her life and rise to Miss Iowa.
She also spoke of being on a reality television show with Miss America contestants and having to be fair in playing by the rules in different games. She said it was important to respect different people. “We are all so unique,” Meyers said. “We’re all kind of special. If you’re going to show respect, you have to respect everybody.”