November 29, 2015 First Sunday of Advent

This Week’s Gospel: Luke 21:25–28
The Advent Sundays pave the way for the celebration of Jesus’ first coming at his birth in Bethlehem, his Second Coming at the end of times, and his continued coming to all who gather in his name. This Sunday’s Gospel describes that Second Coming and the fulfillment of the human race at the end of time. Note: During this Advent (Dec. 8) we will also begin the Year of Mercy — a special celebration

The Advent Wreath is a reminder that Jesus is coming. He or she also learned about God’s faithfulness through the story of David. As a family, decide on two or three things your family can do together to spread the love of Christ to the people in your lives. Talk about why the Advent season is a time of promise and a time of hope.

Talk with your children about the things that families do to get ready for Christmas. Post an Advent calendar on your refrigerator. Use an Advent table prayer at all your family meals.
Pray Together
Plan to have a family Advent Wreath. The wreath should have four candles—three purple and one pink are traditional, but all white candles will do. During the first week of Advent light one candle each evening. The second week light two, and the third week three. If you have colored candles, the third week is for the pink candle. Then for the last week you will have all four candles lit. Say a prayer together in your own words that shows you are anxious for the coming of Jesus. It can be as simple as “Come, Lord Jesus, come.”
Attend Mass Together
December Activities for Catholic Families
Watch your Favorite Christmas themed movie as a family |
Go see Christmas Lights take time to talk about Jesus, the Light of the World, bringing light into darkness. |
Surprise The Children with Small Gifts in their Shoes on St. Nicholas’ Feast Day (Dec. 6) |
CM KIDS November 29, 2015 PDF
CM Kids November 29 2015 Drawings PDF
Pflaum – The Gospel At Home
Real Life At Home
You can click on the drawings for bigger versions of them