CM Kids – January 3, 2016


January 3, 2016  Feast of the Epiphany


This Week’s Gospel: Matthew 2: 1-12

Christmas celebrates God’s becoming one of us and one with us. Jesus comes as an infant, placed in the care of a struggling but loving family. The Feast of the Epiphany, a word that means “manifestation,” celebrates how Jesus was revealed as far more than the king of the Jews. He is revealed as God’s Son.  Matthew’s story of the visit of the Magi from the East makes it clear that Jesus came to all people who seek God.


CMKIDS wise wise men star 2016



Picture the world in darkness as we pray for the light of Christ to come into the world.  It is now the Feast of Epiphany; Jesus revealed as King and Messiah.  Now we walk in the light of Christ.





Pray Together
The celebration of Epiphany is also an excellent time to focus attention on the Corporal Works of Mercy. Christians are called to see Christ in everyone, especially the most vulnerable. “Whatsoever you do to the least of  my brothers, that you do unto me.” (Mt 25: 40) Offering gifts to those in need is also a gift offered to Christ.

CMKIDS - Manger wise men scene 2016Play Together
The Epiphany feast celebrates Jesus’ revealing himself to all nations as a Savior for all people. Talk together about the journey of the Magi and why it is so important a part of the Christmas narrative.  Sing “Silent Night” together—or some other familiar carol.




When they had heard the king, they set out; and there, ahead of them, went the star that they had seen at its rising, until it stopped over the place where the child was.

Matthew 2:9

January Activities for Families

To celebrate the Baptism of our Lord (Sunday after Epiphany)
share pictures and keepsakes of your children’s baptism with them.


Go star gazing to celebrate Epiphany. Have the children find the brightest stars in the sky.
Discuss how the wise men might have felt while they were traveling to meet the new King, Jesus.


As the New Year begins, reminisce with your family
about the past year and talk about plans and goals for this year.

CM KIDS January 2016 PDF
CM Kids January 3, 2016 Drawing PDF

Pflaum – The Gospel At Home
Real Life At Home

You can click on the drawings for bigger versions of them.

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