The power of prayer


To the Editor:

There’s a saying: “More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of” (Alfred Tennyson).  With the many issues in our lives, country and the world today it seems that good has become evil and evil good! There’s no doubt in my mind that evil is real (and tries to rule the world), but good, the providence of the Almighty, prevails no matter how we understand or what terms we may use.
The Lord’s Prayer in my Bible is found in Matthew 6-10: “Our Father (who is) in heaven hallowed be Your Name. Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as (it is) in Heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread (our every need according to your will and purpose and in your time and way) and forgive our debts (sins) as we forgive our debtors. Lead us not into temptation (let us not fall, do not subject us to the final test) but deliver us from evil (the evil one). (For Yours is the Kingdom, the power and the glory forever).  Amen.

My wish this Easter season is for the blessing and love of the Risen Christ on all, especially those in greatest need; respect and protection for the sacredness and dignity of all life; peace instead of  war, terrorism, crime and violence; and for marriage, families, children, youths and more!


“In God we trust, one nation under God with liberty and justice for all!”

Mary LaFrancis

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