Calendar of Events


Page updated Jan. 21, 2025

Some events may be in order by group type. Some events are also listed in our Calendar of Events category section besides this area

Jan. 25
Davenport — Father Bill Kneemiller is hosting a 20-minute introduction to The Liturgy of the Hours’ “Shorter Christian Prayer” book at 11 a.m. at Religious Supply Center (1309 Jersey Ridge Road).

Jan. 27
Iowa City — Surviving Divorce: Hope and Healing for the Catholic Family is a 12-session weekly support group. The first meeting will take place today from 7-8:30 p.m. at St. Patrick Parish. For more information contact Stephanie at or 319-337-285, or Judee at


Feb. 1
Iowa City — A men’s morning retreat, “Cultivating Intimate Friendship with God through Prayer,” will take place in the St. Patrick Church social hall. Check-in begins at 8 a.m., followed by Mass at 8:30 a.m. and programming from 9 a.m.-noon. Fathers Andrew Rauenbuehler and Troy Richmond will offer ways to foster a personal relationship with God during prayer so that he might transform our lives. Cost is $15; scholarships are available for students. Registration is required by Jan. 27 at

Feb. 16-18
DeWitt — St. Joseph Parish is hosting a parish mission, “Why God? Why Christian? Why Catholic?” with Anthony Digmann Feb. 16 at 4 p.m., Feb. 17 at 6 p.m. and Feb. 18 at 6 p.m. For more information go to

March 1
Wilton — St. Mary Parish is hosting a trivia night to benefit the parish. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Game starts at 6 p.m. Cost is $10 per person. Participate with a team of up to 8 people. Individuals are also welcome. Bring your own snacks and non-alcoholic drinks. For registration or further information contact Jean Semsch at 563-340-3327 or

March 14-15
Davenport — The St. Patrick Society is hosting its annual Gathering of the Clan Luncheon on March 14 and Grand Parade on March 15. For details on these events, as well as application information for Irish Mother of the Year and St. Patrick Society scholarships, go to

Bettendorf — Our Lady of Lourdes Parish is hosting a women’s CEW Jan.31-Feb. 2 and a men’s CEW Feb. 14-16. Brochures are available in the gathering space. For more information contact Trish McIntosh (women’s CEW) at 563-340-4553 or, or John Byrne (men’s CEW) at 563-343-3909 or

Clinton — Jesus Christ, Prince of Peace Parish is hosting a women’s Christian Experience Weekend (CEW) Feb. 7-9 and a men’s CEW Feb. 21-23. Registration information is
available at Direct any questions to Janis Burken at 563-219-4100, Brent Andresen at 563-212-9500 or

Davenport — Our Lady of Victory Parish is hosting a women’s CEW Feb. 7-9 and a men’s CEW Feb. 28-March 2 at JFK School. Brochures are available in the church, parish office or at For more information contact women’s CEW lay director Marie Ripslinger at 563-505-8578 or, or men’s CEW lay director Karl Stratman at 563-210-2724 or

Davenport — St. Paul the Apostle Parish women’s CEW is Feb. 7-9 and men’s CEW is Feb. 21-23. Forms available on tables outside the sanctuary, in the gathering space and on the parish website www.stpaul For more information contact Jenny Goldermann (women’s CEW) at 563-349-6312 or Jason Smith (men’s CEW) at 563-529-2820.

DeWitt — St. Joseph Parish is hosting a men’s CEW Jan. 31-Feb. 2. Register at https:// For more information contact Jared Scheckel at 319-480-7985 or

Riverside — The Iowa City Deanery is hosting a women’s CEW Feb. 21-23 and a men’s CEW Feb. 28-March 2 at St. Mary Catholic Church. For more information about the women’s retreat contact Laurie at 319-400-3809 or Teresa at 319-461-8748. For more information about the men’s retreat contact Mark at 319-930-6832 or Jordan at 319-541-9126.


Online/Rock Island, Ill. — For a list of upcoming Benet House Retreat Center events go to

Davenport — The Catholic Messenger hosts a monthly podcast, Catholic Messenger Conversations, with host Barb Arland-Fye. Listen to the podcasts at or on your favorite podcasting app.

Davenport — Humility Homes and Services, Inc. (HHSI) is seeking donations of cleaning supplies and hygiene products to distribute to persons in need. A detailed list is available at mpfy86r7. Drop off at HHSI’s Corner Closet Donation Center at 525 Fillmore St. in Davenport. Donors may also purchase items from HHSI’s Amazon Wish List at To make a one-time or recurring donation go to

The Catholic Service Board seeks new members to join the organization for fellowship, fun and to assist its endeavors to support the Kahl Home in Davenport and other nonprofit organizations. For more information about Catholic Service Board or for membership information, contact CSB Vice President Pam Brandt at or 563-505-9305.

Iowa City — The Fathers of St. Joseph, a group for husbands, fathers, grandfathers and mentors, meets the second Wednesday of the month from 6-7 a.m. at St. Mary Parish, and the fourth Saturday of the month (excluding November and December) from 6:30-8:20 a.m. (including 7 a.m. Mass) at St. Wenceslaus Parish. For more information or to be added the meeting reminder list, contact

LeClaire — Our Lady of the River Parish Caregiver Support Group meets the first Monday of every month in the parish hall from 10:30-11:30 a.m. unless it falls on a holiday. It is open to all caregivers who are looking for emotional and spiritual support as well as resources available to them. The facilitator is Amie Hammes, caregiver support specialist at Milestones Area Agency on Aging. Loved ones are welcome to attend and meet separately as long as no physical care is required during the hour. Contact Jennifer Hildebrand at 563-370-4412 or or call the church office at 563-289-5736 with questions or for information.

Hiawatha, Iowa – Prairiewoods Franciscan Spirituality Center in Hiawatha, Iowa offers programs and retreats year-round. Discover upcoming programs and retreats at

Project Rachel is a confidential, post-abortion healing ministry of the Catholic Church offering hope and healing to women and men hurting from past abortions. Call (563) 333-4107 Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. Or, email

Natural Family Planning courses
Learn the Couple to Couple League method of Natural Family Planning (NFP), which gives couples the knowledge to track fertility signs as a way to achieve or avoid pregnancy. NFP is the only method of family planning approved by the Catholic Church and modern, symptom-based methods demonstrate an accuracy of about 99% in identifying times of fertility and infertility, according to the European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology. Self-paced, online classes are available. Go to or contact Al and Beth Budelier at (563) 324-7040 or for more information.

The Iowa Catholic Conference (ICC) encourages you to sign up for its newsletter. The ICC is the official public policy voice of the bishops and Catholic Church in Iowa. Go to and click on “Join the Network.”

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