We’re inviting students in grades kindergarten through 12 to submit questions to The Catholic Messenger about the Catholic Church.
Questions may cover a variety of topics: Mass, the seven sacraments, prayers, Scripture, the roles of bishops, priests and deacons, Church history and saints and angels, for example. Questions about issues are welcome, too: stewardship of the earth, pro-life, the death penalty, social justice, Catholic social teaching and more.
Answers to questions will be published each month in our “Young and Curious” column, a new feature of The Catholic Messenger. Our diocese’s knowledgeable Faith Formation team will provide the answers. We’ll include the name, age, school and parish of the student asking the question, too!
Send your questions by email to arland-fye@davenportdiocese.org or by U.S. Postal Services to: The Catholic Messenger, 780 W. Central Park Ave., Davenport, Iowa, 52804-1911, or post a question on our Facebook page. Please include your name, age, school and parish.