Voweletics program builds pronunciation skills


Lourdes is pleased to announce that all students in grades kindergarten to eight will be receiving instruction from the Voweletics Reading Program.

Voweletics provides a simple, systematic approach to learning the necessary pronunciation skills for effective reading, spelling and vocabulary building. The English language has 18 distinct vowel sounds that must be mastered to read effectively and fluently.

After learning with the Voweletics method, all readers will understand the how and why vowel sounds are different and how to choose the correct sounds in words. They will have the tools to sound out thousands of words at their individual level of reading.

They will accomplish this with a completely engaging and fun new method.


Jane Volden, Lourdes’ new Extended Learning Program/Talented and Gifted teacher, will teach students in grades kindergarten to second the program in its entirety. The program will be filled with 23 songs to reinforce the vowel sounds and rules, charming characters for students to identify with and colorful charts where students use bingo chips to map out the correct steps for successful word decoding. These charts will be given to parents in grades kindergarten to second so that the learning-to-read process can be reinforced at home.

In addition, grades three to eight will be given the course Voweletics 101. Volden will visit the classroom throughout the remainder of the year to show students a new method of charting words for successful word decoding and spelling. The same principles and charts will be used, but students at this level can quickly pick up the method and duplicate it with their own new vocabulary. Lourdes will be applying Voweletics to use with their present curriculum.

Parents and guardians of kindergarteners through second-graders are invited to attend a workshop on Monday, Nov. 30 at 6 p.m. in the Lourdes gym. Here you will learn the method your child will be using in school.  The school aims for the workshop to be a fun evening where even you will learn new things. At-home Web access, which includes the songs and abundant audio files for fluency practice, will be offered at a cost for families desiring additional support at home.

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